“I’m proud of you
I’m proud of the way you are”
You said that which everyone assumed I knew
and never bothered to say.
It has been two years of coming out
and many more years of heartache
bred from the denial of who I was.
This reintroduction process has been brutal
yet full of pockets of peace.
I have lost people
and had others wrap me up closer.
Still, since I came out no one has ever said the words you did.
In that moment I felt like I was falling
into love.
My friend
I will give you back the same gift of words.
I will not assume you have heard them enough.
And if you have
you will hear them again.
You are undeniably loved by our creator.
You are worthy to die for.
You are worthy to have as a son, friend, and brother.
You are created equal, nothing less.
You are worthy to fight for.
You. Are. Worthy.
Don’t let anyone make you doubt that.
I say these words back
for myself and for you
because I am practicing speaking truth.